Privilege L.L.C. specializes in providing Fire Rated AC Duct Coating & Duct Accessories. The products are produced in facility ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 certified and was added to the portfolio of Privilege LLC as a strategy to further contribute to the impressive range of HVAC business activities of the Group.

Duct Flanging System
Slide on GI Flanges, Corners, Cleats & G-clamps
Privilege® flanges are the easiest and fastest way to connect the transvers joint of rectangular ducts.
Permanently flexible non-drying, non-toxic sealant injected into the profile during the manufacturing process.
​Complying with HVAC specification DW144, SMACNA standards.
Design Specification:
All galvanized steel sheet ductworks shall be transverse jointed with proprietary factory fabricated slide on duct flange system including 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm size duct flange, with matching corner, cleats and clamps.
GI Flanges are available in 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm & 40mm.
GI Corners are available in 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm & 40mm.
GI Cleats are available in 20mm, 25mm, 30mm & 35mm.
GI Clamps are available in 40mm only.
Product Datasheet: